woensdag 29 september 2010

Another lonely day...

For the first time in a while we had breakfast together after paying a visit to the bank to buy some insurances. It felt good. We can keep each other safe but I wonder if one should settle for that?
So the day started exciting but from breakfast it went, well, pretty much downhill. Okay I met some people throughout the afternoon but none of them could actually interest me at that point. Instead of maintaining long and useless conversations I continued a bit in Susan Senior Nello's book until I began to feel tired from playing table tennis -and winning- against some of the self-declared champions of Pangaea. 
Then I went back to my temporarily "shack" with old furnitures and a mattress on the wooden floor because of last weekend's little bed accident. I thought of starting to pack my things but instead I laid down and rested my eyes and my legs -still a bit stiff from Sunday's football game- a bit.
After that I went for some chicken and a pint. There, in the Irish pub, I met Guthemberg, the Brazilian guy with a crazy afro. We had a few Guinness and laughs. Then I left to rent a movie and went home. After all, it was another lonely day...

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